Community Membership
At present, if you become a member of the VetQOL community, you have access to more services and information (see below) and there are discounts on our chargeable services. We hope to expand what we offer according to demand. There's no charge for joining us and you can be assured that your details will not be shared with third parties. You can cancel membership at any time.
News Updates
We know the pace of life in veterinary practice means it can be challenging to keep up to date with veterinary news and events so we provide a twice monthly emailed newsletter which summarises the latest chat. These are kept deliberately brief to allow you to scan but links are included so you can access more extensive information if required. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter while still remaining a member of the VetQOL community. We also retain all previous updates so you don't have to.
Discounts on VetQOL services
We can help employers share veterinary vacancies as long as you're located in Scotland. Our entry level job listing is free of charge but we also have 3 different levels of chargeable advertising. Fees are modest reflecting our desire to support employers but there is also a further 20% discount for VetQOL community members.
We also provide admin support services with discounts for VetQOL community members, and further discounts for new start businesses.
Practice Administration
Thanks to many years in practice ownership, management and administration, we've had direct involvement in numerous aspects of veterinary practice. We've put together a comprehensive section to help practice management consider if they have everything in place. It's also a useful guide for those contemplating setting up their own practice and/or for those participating in the RCVS Practice Standards Scheme.